About Us

About Us
While it maybe a small country, New Zealand boasts a unique way of life in a land of clean and pure produce making some of the best foods in the world.
The home of Spinnaker in AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND was founded in 1988 by Peter and Pam Tan. They started from humble beginnings and today they are still making delicious, home style cookies. They are now joined by their son Jonathan and daughter Janice who are working hard to continue the dream. The Tan family are the legends behind all of our amazing recipes. Years later and still every one of our products continue to be created by Pam and Peter today.
The Spinnaker product is both premium and gourmet. Premium butter and quality New Zealand ingredients is used throughout the range. The clean, green countryside provides a nourishing environment for local ingredients to be grown. The flavor of the SHORTBREAD cookies remains traditional as ever. Spinnaker has also introduced new flavors such as MILK COCONUT adding an international touch. The bakery prides itself with a distinctive flavor and crunchy texture that are different from mass made cookies produced around the world today. Spinnaker cookies are simply the best.
Pam says “I really love our cookies that we offer to the market simply because of the great taste by using the best available ingredients from our abundant land NEW ZEALAND. I am so proud of how we take care to deliver cookies for the world to enjoy with every bite. We are proud to be a New Zealand family business with a passion for food and excellence.”

Our Ingredients
In their search for the world’s finest foods, Spinnaker has found the secret to perfection. It starts with the ingredients. Clean, pure produce – there are very few regions in the world that can make this claim. Spinnaker uses the ingredients from these abundant lands in all of its products. With the passion that ‘home made is best’, great care and consideration is placed in each Spinnaker recipe. It is a mix of custom, inspiration and pride that ensures the journey is worthwhile. The experience is unique; the quality unmatched.
Pure, fresh and delicious: that is the Spinnaker promise.